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Edward Bond is considered one of Britain's most important and innovative playwrights today. In this book, Jenny Spencer presents an in-depth examination of Bond's work and sheds new light on the state of contemporary B- ritish drama. Rather than a chronological discussion, Spencer evaluates the plays through the dramatic strategies and techniques that are key elements in Bond's theater. In a fascinating analysis of the plays as well as previously unpublished material, and in discussion with the playwright himself, Spencer provides new insights into Edward Bond and his style of theater.
Cambridge University Press - 270 ´pág. - capa dura - pequenas manchas nas bordas
Dramatic Strategies in the Plays of Edward Bond - Jennys Spencer - capa dura - outlet
Edward Bond is considered one of Britain's most important and innovative playwrights today. In this book, Jenny Spencer presents an in-depth examination of Bond's work and sheds new light on the state of contemporary B- ritish drama. Rather than a chronological discussion, Spencer evaluates the plays through the dramatic strategies and techniques that are key elements in Bond's theater. In a fascinating analysis of the plays as well as previously unpublished material, and in discussion with the playwright himself, Spencer provides new insights into Edward Bond and his style of theater.
Cambridge University Press - 270 ´pág. - capa dura - pequenas manchas nas bordas
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